Two European Labels (Dennmark and Scotland)
And the European Award silver medal for
Innovation and
Creativity in Lifelong
The projects in the Pools family created course materials on development of CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), CLIL (Content and Language, Integrated Learning), development tools, videos, and language teaching and learning materials in the following languages: Arabic, Basque, Catalan, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, Gaelic, German, Greek, Irish, Italian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Turkish
Six example video demonstrating CLIL in real classes
The Clil4U (CLIL implementation with pools of resources for teachers, students, and pupils) project has during the EC co-funded period produced materials that will assist implementation of CLIL in primary schools and in vocational colleges through:
- 6 promotional videos showing CLIL used in classes
- 48 ready to use CLIL scenarios complete with instructions and materials
- Online collection of materials and commented links to resources
- Advisory materials to be used for including parents of primary school children in the CLIL process.
To prepare content and language teachers for implementation of CLIL the project has:
- Developed a teacher course on application of CLIL
- Developed online language courses for content teachers (to ensure the needed language level)
- Offered the content teachers a placement test and certification of language level according to CEF.
All outcomes are available in English. Manuals, promotional materials, and video subtitles are available in all the partnership languages.
Hundreds of teachers, pupils, and students have piloted the developed CLIL resources. Evaluations and feedback were fed back to the developers and resulted in improved versions of the project outcomes.
All outcomes are CopyLeft and may be used by any institution. The partnership teacher training institutions and associated partners continue offering pre-service and in-service courses after the project period.
The COOL project has developed a web3 service where a teacher can paste in text, select the language of the text, add graphics and video, create or attach language exercises/assignments and then automatically create an online webpage with all words linked to free dictionaries in +100 languages. The proposed web3 resource enhances/improves the Clilstore tool/service ( developed in the TOOLS project (2012-2014), which has been selected as “one of the European Commission’s success stories”.
The project targeted two user groups; teachers and learners representing transversal educational sectors with a main focus on teacher education (both in-service and college training).
The teachers access to Clilstore has been simplified so the original database look has been replaced with easier/intuitive choices. The students access has likewise been simplified, e.g. the first step for a newcomer is to select language and level thus avoiding having to browse through thousands of units in many languages.
Both teachers and learners have options like sharing and posting Clilstore units to social media (Eg twitter and Facebook) and Clilstore units can be run from within Moodle platforms.
To ensure future sustainability of Clilstore the service is now cloud based and installed/mirrored from GitHub.
Video showcasing five communicative language teaching methods
in real classes
Methods was a TOI
(transfer of innovation)
project based on the
original BP-BLTM
and later the Pools-m projects,
that selected five
communicative language
teaching methods
suitable for VET
teachers and their
students, especially
those preparing for or
in the midst of work
placement in other
countries. For each
method the project
developed sets of
materials and
instructions for
exemplary lessons.
To help the training of
the less experienced
teachers the use of the
methods and materials
are demonstrated through
instructional video
recordings of exemplary
The main outputs from the
Methods project period
-A video library with
subtitled commented
recordings of the five
methods used in real
-A manual with five
method descriptions,
instructions and ready
to copy and use
-An International Work
Placement Guide
-This website.
This project transferred the BP-BLTM
and pools-m results to France (Guadeloupe),
Malta, and Slovenia by
adapting and translating
the guide, the methods
manuals, the ready to
use in classes
materials, and the
subtitles for the
project videos.
An example video from Pools-3 made for learning Czech
The POOLS projects aimed at helping language teachers produce Open Online Learning Systems.The use of CALL tools and techniques is relatively underdeveloped in LWUTLs, particularly in a VET context. POOLS2 and 3 addressed this gap in the new languages identified, producing pools of online source materials that can be used in learning / teaching, using new eLearning tools and techniques and enabling teachers to use ICT in their lessons. (“In upper secondary education, in most countries, there is a significant difference between the percentage of students learning two or more foreign languages in general education (59.4 %) and in prevocational/vocational education (39.4 %)” – Key Data on Teaching Languages at School in Europe 2012, Eurydice, p2.).
The final
products are:
1. Pools of online copyleft materials to be
used during in-service
teacher training courses
and in teaching.
2. Flexible competence
based language teacher
course modules on ICT
methodologies and
development of ICT based
teaching resources.
3. Videos with step by
step instructions and
examples on how to
create multimedia online
4. A course book (downloadable
.pdf file) with
description of language
teaching eLearning
materials and
N.B the site has moved to:
One of the case videos from Safety4El
The content of the course modules (in Danish, English, Greek, Maltese, and Spanish) have been prepared so these can be used as part of CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning), the CLIL scaffolding is mainly based on online units with all words linked to dictionaries in 118 languages, this will help prepare craftsmen and apprentices for mobility.
The project has two main target groups from the same sector; electricians and electricians’ apprentices, but the bulk of the proposed outcomes is suitable for all employees and apprentices in the construction industry.
One can use ChatGPT ( to prepare Clilstore units for students at different ELP levels. An example: Go to ChatGPT and enter “What is a Wankel motor”, copy the produced text and enter “Rewrite the following text to ELP level B1:” followed by pasting the copied text.
The unit audio has been created with using ElevenLabs TTS (Text To Speech)
At the start of January 2025 Clilstore ( contains 5,579 ready to use units in many languages (3,614 in English). The Clilstore users have opened the units a total of 5,676,431 times and clicked on 879,025 words to access the online dictionaries.
Clilstore now has 1,690 authors. Last year (2024) 42 new authors registered in Clilstore.
A great example of recent units is "Introduction to the History of Malta" has texts, video and online exercises:-)
The Pools webpages containing all the project videos have been updated, have a look at with the collections of:
Several pages with videos prepared in the different POOLS projects have now been "repaired", the pages were supposed to have embedded videos stored in YouTube, but the embed code was outdated (using Flash). The videos come complete with transsciption so they can be used for developing onlinae teaching materials.
You can now make use of the following video pages:
An old unit mainly for electricians called "Jacob's Ladder" has been updated: The video clip in the unit was captured at the 500 kV Eldorado substation near Boulder City, Nevada by power company engineers and maintenance staff. It shows a three-phase air disconnect switcher attempting to open the high voltage supply to a large three phase shunt line reactor. The line reactor is the huge transformer-like object behind the truck at the far right at the end of the clip. Line reactors are large iron core coils which are used to compensate for the effects of line capacitance on long extra high voltage (EHV) transmission lines. Internally, each phase of the reactor is connected through a large coil to ground. Each coil within the reactor is capable of providing 33.3 Million Volt Amperes of inductive reactance (MVAR) at 290 kV between each phase to ground. The unit is complete with language exercises
One can use ChatGPT ( to prepare Clilstore units for students at different ELP levels. An example: Go to ChatGPT and enter “What is a Wankel motor”, copy the produced text and enter “Rewrite the following text to ELP level B1:” followed by pasting the copied text.
61 free and ready to use CLIL scenarios for vocational colleges and schools. The contents are for learning/teaching: English (28 scenarios), Danish (7 scenarios), German (1 scenario), Greek (6 scenarios), Italian (2 scenarios), Maltese (10 scenarios), and Spanish (6 scenarios). The scenarios have been made based on a set template with PowerPoint presentation and Lesson Plan.
The scenarios (with list of aims and objectives) describe how to plan and teach in a CLIL based module, i.e. a subject module from the chosen vocations, which is taught through a foreign (or second) language. Go to the scenarios:
The Clilstore Practitioner Guidebook is now stored in the UPV institutional server: You can change the language to English in the top line, see above. now has a total of 4,735 units. In March 32 new units have become available in the following languages: English, Medžuslovjansky, Dansk, Čeština, Polski, and Italiano
European Label and European Award for
Innovation and
Creativity in Lifelong
Learning 2009
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.