Danish videos

Danish society seen through Chinese Eyes

Content / topic: Society, culture, and general
Duration: 06:19
Level (listening level required): A2

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Summary: Meriam, a Chinese student is interviewed on her experiences with meeting the Danes in Denmark. She tells about some differences between Shanghai and Denmark, what she likes and dislikes in Denmark.

Cultural notes: Interesting findings that reflect some of the differences that foreign students have when living in Denmark for a period.

Language notes: "The interviewee is not a native speaker and has Danish at level A2. With text the video seems suitable for target students at level A1.
The transcription is reflecting what she “should have said” and does not reflect her errors"

: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:
www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK01_DK.pdf in Danish
www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK01_EN.pdf in English

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Danish college seen through Chinese Eyes

Content / topic: Education and general
Duration: 04.27
Level (listening level required): A2

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Summary: Meriam, a Chinese student is interviewed on her experiences with meeting the Danes in Denmark. She tells about some differences between Shanghai and Denmark, what she likes and dislikes in Denmark.

Cultural notes: Interesting findings that reflect some of the differences that foreign students have when living in Denmark for a period.

Language notes: "The interviewee is not a native speaker and has Danish at level A2. With text the video seems suitable for target students at level A1.
The transcription is reflecting what she “should have said” and does not reflect her errors"

: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:

www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK02_DK.pdf in Danish
www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK02_EN.pdf in English

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A dentist’s surgery assistant at school

Content / topic: Healthcare

Duration: 1.44
Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: The video shows a dentist’s surgery assistant at school preparing for surgery and assisting a dentist during dental treatment - of a doll.

Cultural notes: none

Language notes: The commenting soundtrack describes the set up and dental treatment. The sentence structure is A1 but the vocabulary may seem difficult for the layperson.

Copyright: CopyLeft

Video files: Please right-click and select "Save Target As"
www.languages.dk/video/dk/dk03.00.wmv (20Mb)

Transcription of video:
Danish text:
English text:

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A service trade basic training class

Content / topic: Healthcare, service trades, culture
: 3.30
Level (listening level required): A1

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Summary: "The video shows a class of students from the service trades (including healthcare students).

The class discusses how to get work-experience placements. In the break the students chit chat about different topics like smoking, adultery, movies, and food"

Cultural notes: Several items covered / shown: Rules for smoking. The college canteen. Adultery. Difficulties for immigrants e.g. getting a work-experience placement.

Language notes
: The student dialogues deal with everyday matters using informal / colloquial language.

Copyright: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:
Danish text:
English text:

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The stolen bicycle

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Content / topic: General, society
: 02.08
Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Two young men decide to steal a bicycle. The theft is seen and reported to the police station. The bicycle owner goes to the police station to see if he can get back his bike, but his friends consider it a waste of time.

Cultural notes: "Bicycles are frequently stolen in Denmark.

To get money from an insurance one has to register the theft at the police station.

Found bicycles that cannot be identified by engraved numbers etc. are sold at an auction at the police station."

Language notes: "Colloquial language. Restricted structure. Use of swear words, e.g. sgu’ (by God) frequently used by young Danish people. Most Danish swear words are related to religion.

When greeting some young Danes say “Hvad så mand” (What’s up, man) it’s considered to be “low level” language.

: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:
Danish text:
English text:

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Apprentice Jokes

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Content / topic: Electronics, media studies
: 5.57
Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: The video starts with an interview of three electrician’s apprentices who tell about a video they have produced. During the video the apprentices tell about their Danish studies as part of their education.

The students’ video shows a first day’s apprentice and some jokes that are pulled on him.

Cultural notes: A first day's apprentice is frequently the victim of practical jokes.

Language notes: Colloquial language. Use of swear words, e.g. for Fanden (by the devil) frequently used by young Danish people. Most Danish swear words are related to religion.

The jokes are related to possible misinterpretation of words some cannot be properly translated as they are built on double meanings in Danish. Some explanations below:
Kabeltrækker – cable layer
Knofedt – elbow grease (in Danish “knuckle” grease)
Skydelære – sliding gauge (In Danish “shooting” gauge)

Other notes: The video reflects what a class of student can produce within five hours. The students have been resonsible of recording and editing without any advice or other interference from the teacher.

Transcription of video:

Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK06_DK.pdf
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK06_EN.pdf

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Jul i Danmark - Yuletide in Denmark

Text, video and exercises click here to test

Content / topic: Culture
: 09.04
Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: A Danish family celebrates yule (Christmas). We follow the preparations for the yuletide and meet Danish traditions and links to history. The home has been decorated for Christmas with "nisser" (pixies or gnomes), the family decorates the Christmas tree on December 23rd we also meet the family on Christmas Eve, which is the main Christmas event in Denmark. After the Christmas Eve the family and friends celebrate Christmas with lunches on the first two days of Christmas.

Cultural notes:
Christmas in Denmark nowadays has little or no link to religion.
The video shows a typical Danish home (in a terraced house).

Language notes
Most of the video is based on a narrator. Frequent use of numbers and Danish vocabulary relating to family relations (e.g. granddaughter).

Other notes:
Text and music for the Christmas carol "Højt for træets grønne top", which is partly used as background music  can be downloaded separately. Text Peter Faber 1848, melody Emil Horneman. Song and musical arrangement by Signe Ortmann Hansen and Kasper Andersen www.languages.dk/video/dk/dk08.00.mp3  2,8MB file

Copyright: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:
Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK07_DK.pdf
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK07_EN.pdf

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Kokkene - The Cooks

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Content / topic: Catering and Tourism
: 1:23
Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Two cooks receive an order for a dish and start quarrelling. They seem rather unfriendly. The video shows some of the problems occurring in the catering industry when working under stress.

Cultural notes: The food industry has a (deserved?) reputation for quarrels among staff and use of rude language. The video is a dramatization prepared by a class of cooks' apprentices.

Language notes: Use of rude language / swear words.

Copyright: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:

Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK09_DK.pdf
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK09_EN.pdf

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4more productions

Video and text with all words linked to dictionaries

Content / topic: Media studies
: 2.57
Level (listening level required): B2

Summary: Three Danish media students have established a business based on media production. To promote their business they have made a promotional video where they tell about the services they can offer in their  firm.

Cultural notes: It is customary for media students in Denmark to establish small firms / companies offering different media services like web site design and videos.

Language notes: The students speak pace is rather quick as one would expect from a promotional video of this sort.

: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:
Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK10_DK.pdf
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK10_EN.pdf

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3D Animation Class

Video and text with all words linked to online dictionaries

Content / topic: 3D Animation

: 10 minutes

Level (listening level required): B1 / B2

Summary: Two Danish students from the centre of Digital Media at Odense Technical College interview each other about their education and the dreams of their future working life.

Cultural notes: The sequence gives a nice description of the vocational education, Digital Media, at Odense Technical College. It gives an insight into the school world, the content, atmosphere etc. seen from the perspective of two students there.

Language notes: The recordings are suitable for students at level B1 and B2. The interviews contain use of several technical and trade related terms.

Copyright: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:

Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK11_DK.pdf 
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK11_EN.pdf 

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Hairdressers - appointments and reception

Watch the video with all words linked to online dictionaries

Content / topic: Hairdressers - appointments and reception


Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Busra needs to get a hair cut. We follow her in her reservation and her visit to the hair dresser.

Cultural notes: You will get a picture of a typical visit to the hair dresser in Denmark

Language notes: The video is suitable for level A1 and A2, because of the use of short and very easy everyday phrases at the hair dresser.

Copyright: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:

Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK13_DK.pdf 
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK13_EN.pdf 

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Hairdressers - Hair washing and payment

Watch the video with text where all words are linked to online dictionaries

Content / topic: Hairdressers - Hair washing and payment


Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Another customer needs a hair wash and hair treatment. We follow the conversation through the hair wash.

Cultural notes: You will get a picture of a typical visit to the hair dresser in Denmark

Language notes: The video is suitable for level A1 and A2, because of the use of short and very easy everyday phrases at the hair dresser.

Copyright: CopyLeft

Transcription of video:

Danish text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK14_DK.pdf
English text: www.languages.dk/archive/video_data/DK/DK14_EN.pdf

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Montering af et stik. Instruktion (Elementary)

Content / topic: Electrician
: ´6:44
Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Step by step instruction on how to wire a plug. The plug used is a British type with a fuse

Cultural notes
: Instructional video which may be suitable for all vocations

Language notes: Typical instructions. Simplified version.

: CopyLeft

Transcription of video
Danish text:

English text:

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Last edit: 23-10-2023


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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