Greek videos

  1. GOURI
  2. LEFKI
  5. The Baths of Aphrodite
  6. Lysos festival
  7. Tombs of the Kings
  8. Mosaics
  9. Make Up
  10. Electrotherapy
  11. Cooking
  13. Οινοποιείο 'Βουν'ι Παναγιά' μέρος
  14. Οινοποιείο 'Βουν'ι Παναγιά' μέρος B
  15. Η Μουσική στο Δημοτικο Σχολείο
  16. Video Clip 18
  17. Adonis Baths
  18. Πειθαρχία και Όρια Pools
  19. Χαλούμι Το Ανωυρκάτικο
  20. Οινοποιείο 'Βουν'ι Παναγιά' μέρος Γ


Content / topic:

Gourri-Eastern games

Traditionally in Cyprus, the day after Easter people, visit their place of birth, or go to villages and places where eastern games take place. It's an opportunity for the family members to get together and enjoy the day all together. It is often that on this day, people get to see other people, relatives and/or friends that have not seen for a very long time.

The best games due to their tradition and origin take place in villages outside the towns. People have fun and meet usually at the main square of the village, the place where the games take place.

: 5:07
Level (listening level required): B2

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Content / topic: Lefki's birthday

It is my sister Lefki's birthday. She turns 32 and my family is giving her a birthday party at my parents' house back yard. Her friends have come to wish Lefki "Happy Birthday" and give their presents of course! It's a traditional party with a lot of food for all, prepared by the parents mostly, a delicious birthday cake and a lot of other sweets. In this video you can listen and learn birthday wishes mostly, in the Greek language of course. Enjoy!

: 5:51
Level (listening level required): B1

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Content / topic: Ta mpania

"Ta mpania" is a famous meeting point for the habitants of Paphos, right in front of the sea shore. Many of the people of Paphos (town on the west of Cyprus), have the habit of having a swim all year round, just before they set off for work. The people you'll see in the video describe what they do when they meet there as well as how they remember the place to be like years ago and what are the changes made to the place throughout the years. Some of them even express their complaints and suggestions of how "ta mpania" could become a much better place for them and not only, but for the visitors as well. They also explain the benefits that their morning swim has on their health and what it makes them feel like.

: 3.24
Level (listening level required): B1

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Content / topic: Maties sti Papho (Touring in Paphos)

This clip is a touring trip through the main sightseeings in the centre of Paphos, starting from the neoclassical buildings that consist of the very old schools of the town. You can also see the Town Hall just opposite of the municipality. Then follows the public library dated in 1945 leading to one of the town's busiest market street with a lot of shops for the habitants and tourists to find whatever they want. In the end of the street there's a "green oasis" that surrounds a traditional outdoor coffee shop where people can enjoy the most magnificent view of the town.

: 3.42
Level (listening level required): C1

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The Baths of Aphrodite

Content / topic: Aphrodite's Baths

One of the most important sightseeings of paphos, lies in Akamas area. It's a peninsula at the western side of the island of Cyprus,very bueatiful and above all virgin land! There the greek mythology says that the goddess of beauty was born and in this particular place the clip shows the baths of Aphrodite. It is said to be a natural little lake with a tiny fall , where Aphrodite used to take her bath.

Arina, a Russian speaking guide, describes to us what the myth says about Aphrodite and Adonis, her lover!

: 3.45
Level (listening level required): B2

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Lysos festival

Content / topic: Lysos Festival

The tiny little village called Lysos, is located in Paphos area, far away from the centre. It is characterised as a traditional Cypriot village, that holds a very famous festival in Cyprus every year to honour the village's emigrants. In this clip you will enjoy in its full length, the festival numbered as the 20th for this year.

The Minister of Communications and Works of Cyprus is the keynote speaker for the night, followed by the president of the emigrants and the president of the community. After the public speeches the people were ready to participate in all the events that were going on. The festival includes not just food for the habitants and visitors, along with plenty of traditional dishes being served but a lot of traditional dancing as well.

A well known singer of folk music came from Paralimni (another village in Cyprus) called Kyriakou Pelagia to entertain the people attending the festival. Traditional dancing groups also participated in the event which invited the people to the dance floor in great success.

The clip shows in details some of the customs and ethics of the traditional Cyprus and it also gives a brief description of the village and its beauties a lot of which dated the 15th century A.D.

We asked the participants and the keynote speakers of the festival, several questions, and have a look of what they told us!

: 9.41
Level (listening level required):C1

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Tombs of the Kings

Content / topic: The Tombs of the Kings

The clip leads a short but precise walk through the so called Tombs of the Kings. Located in Paphos area the ÔTombs of the kings' is a sight that no tourist should to miss! Famous for its carved underground terraces decorated with Doric columns the Tombs of the kings took its name not because it hosts tombs of actual kings but because the beauty and wealth of the carved burial chambers are so amazing as if they were made for kings and only. They are funerary monuments of officials of the Ptolemaic period. The walk shows you all the archeological sites of the place and gives you a good taste of such a summer tour through the tombs!

: 2.42
Level (listening level required): C1

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Content / topic: The Roman Mosaics

The Roman Mosaics is considered to be one of the most spectacular sight in Paphos, Cyprus worth seeing! It's a historical place located inside an archaeological park that includes four houses all of which are covered in mosaics. The houses are known as the House of Dionysus, the House of Theseus, the House of Aion, and the House of Orpheus. The floors of the house are so carefully and beautifully preserved that make you eager to know more about them. Dated from the 2nd -5th century AD each and every one of them has a story to tell and a myth to narrate. All the Athenian life is illustrated on these mosaics inviting the visitor to feel and see their excellent built and wealth! This clip will take you a small tour around them.

: 3.08
Level (listening level required): B2

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Make Up

Content / topic: Practice Theatrical Makeup

This clip shows the final exam of the students of the Aesthetics program of Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus. The course is called Practice Theatrical Makeup and in their final exams the students need to apply three types of theatrical makeup. The French makeup, the stage makeup and the aging makeup. In three hours they need to have their model ready for evaluation. In the meantime some of the students explain what they do and what products they use in the application of their makeup. We got the chance while students deal with their exams, so as to speak with their teacher, who willingly explained basic things they do at the course.

: 4.07
Level (listening level required): B2

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Content / topic Practice Facial Electrotherapy

The students of the Aesthetics Program of Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus, practice techniques of facial electrotherapy. Under the supervision of their lecturer Mrs. Maria Michael, they need to explain the steps they take in each therapy applied, always related to the particular facial problem that their classmate-Ôclient' has!

They particularly learn about and get acquainted with the various machines existing in the market that can help themselves as beauticians into their occupation. They also learn how to choose the perfect treatment for their clients along with the help of the machines they have at their disposal. They need to keep record of every client they deal with along with the progress that their face has.

: 2.57
Level (listening level required): C1

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Content / topic:

Practice Cooking

This clip illustrates the final exam in Practicing Cooking Course, of the students of the Culinary Arts Program of Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus.

The students as a final exam needed to prepare a three course meal (a pea soup, Caesar's salad and mousaka). Their teachers are there to invigilate and of course mark their dishes. They also comment after tasting the dishes of course and give their students some tips along with their guidelines after pointing out the students' mistakes.

They analyse the dishes all together and they explain how each food should have been made. You have the chance of course to number and learn not just the names of the foods in Greek but the ingredients used as well. The clip describes all stages of production and gives a good taste of how the Culinary Arts program of Intercollege works.


Level (listening level required): B2

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Content / topic: Practice for Waiters

The clip shows how the final exam for Practicing Waiting course is, for the students of Culinary Arts of Intercollege, Nicosia, Cyprus. In brief the procedure goes like this: the students enter the college's main dining area where they will be examined! Dressed appropriately, the students are given a menu by their professor, that they will need to support. Basically they will need to lay a table for two people and place the appropriate cutlery and anything else necessary for the table according to the menu that they have got in hand. Unfortunately some students make serious mistakes but their professor is always there to anticipate any problems and let go into the market cooks that only deserve to have!...


Level (listening level required): B2

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Οινοποιείο 'Βουν'ι Παναγιά' μέρος

Content / topic: Vouni Panayia Winery (part a)

This clip shows the history of wine in Cyprus and in particular the history of the apparent winery in Vouni village within Paphos district. Visitors can taste various types of wine when they go to the winery along with snacks that usually go with each wine. Visitors can also taste other products made at the winery that come from grapes of course too.

Mr Andreas is one of the owners of ÔVouni Panayia Winery' and he explains in the end the types of wine that are produced at the winery and shows the most popular one that people in Cyprus prefer.

:  4.14
Level (listening level required): C2

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Οινοποιείο 'Βουν'ι Παναγιά' μέρος B

Content / topic: Vouni Panayia winery (part b)

Following the history of the wine in Cyprus in part a, Mr Andreas Kyriakides willingly, gives us a tour round his winery and describes the procedure of wine production in details.


Level (listening level required): C2

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Η Μουσική στο Δημοτικο Σχολείο

Content / topic: Music as a subject at the elementary school

This is an interview of a music teacher Mrs. Stavroula Valianti who willingly explains to us how Ômusic' is introduced as a subject at the elementary school. She talks about the importance of the subject and how it affects the students of primary schools. She indicates the age that the children have their first contact with music and how it's perceived. She also gives the process that the state elementary schools follow as part of the integration of music in their school's curriculum as well as the music subject's progress throughout the elementary school years.

:  5.11
Level (listening level required): B2

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Video Clip 18

Content / topic: Press Conference

The event has taken place at the main offices of the Cyprus Sports Organisation, where the Minister of Defence of Cyprus and the board director of the organisation have given a press conference due to the participation of the national basketball team of soldiers to the world basketball cup for soldiers' basketball teams in Korea. The ongoing problems were mentioned as well as the scheduling of the world cup. However, the excellent cooperation of the Ministry of Defence and the Cyprus sports Organisation was emphasized as well as praised.

:  4.22
Level (listening level required): C1

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Adonis Baths

Content / topic: Adonis' Baths

The Baths of Adonis are located at a small village called ÔKili' in Paphos district. They had been formed by the waters of a small fall called ÔMavrokolymbos'. We visited the place where we met the owner of the mill that used to be run by his grandfather from whom he inherited the land with the Baths in! Pambos Theodorou (the owner) explains how the place passed onto his hands and narrates the myth of Aphrodite's (goddess of beauty) love to Adonis (demigod) and her fight with the goddess of agriculture, Persephone.

:  6.26
Level (listening level required): C1

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Πειθαρχία και Όρια Pools

Content / topic: Discipline and Limits

This is an interview with Mrs. Angeliki Andreou Kounnou, an educator and psychologist who talks about the limits and the discipline that children of young age should have. She explains the difficulty of having to impose limits onto children and how parents should work towards the reaching of their goals. She shows how important it is to say Ôno' to children and when Ôyes' is necessary. In simple, understandable words Mrs. Kounnou refers to the various parameters that exist and interfere to the child's effort to communicate with his/her parents and give very useful tips to parents so as to transfer the rightness onto their children and exemplifies the importance of making deals with children for best results.

:  5.23
Level (listening level required): C1

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Χαλούμι Το Ανωυρκάτικο

Content / topic: Halloumi "To Anoirkatiko"

A very famous milk product in Cyprus is called "halloumi". It is basically salted white cheese. We visited a small traditional production unit of halloumi in Anogira village in Limassol. The owner of the unit is Mrs. Stella who gives a tour round her unit and farm and explains how halloumi is produced.

She explains how the milk is taken from the animals and how it is separated into two ponds: the goat's milk and the sheep's milk. The whole process starts very early in the morning and takes many hours for halloumi to be readyÉ

:  3.54
Level (listening level required): B2

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Οινοποιείο 'Βουν'ι Παναγιά' μέρος Γ

Content / topic: Vouni Panayia Winery (part c)

Finally, in the end of the winery tour Mr Andreas takes us to the place where traditional Cypriot products, always from grapes or their juice are made. He talks about "sountzouki", a traditional sweet made from grapes, flour, various ingredients to give its nice smell and rose water. As a product, it can last about 15 days, just before it goes bad.

Mr Andreas' children, following their family tradition, help in the procedure of the production of course and take turn in responsibilities.

:  2.56
Level (listening level required): C2

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Last edit: 07-09-2011


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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