
In the students’ canteen


Content/ topic: Catering/ everyday life situations
Duration: 2:31
Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: A typical situation from the students’ life. Two students of Kaunas College meet and decide to have lunch. They go to the students’ canteen and choose the typical dishes the Lithuanian students would have for their lunch.

Cultural notes: Lunch is usually the biggest meal of the day in Lithuania. It is characteristic for women to eat less than men.

Language notes: The language of the dialogue is very simple. It includes everyday phrases and very basic structures. The use of tenses is restricted to Present Indefinite and Future Indefinite.

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Choosing a study programme


Content/ topic: starting students’ life
Duration: 2:37
Level (listening level required): B1

Two young men meet in front of the main building of Kaunas College. One of them appears to be a student of this college and the other one is a school leaver willing to study here. The school leaver is not sure which study programme to choose. The student shows him around the college and takes to a consultant. The consultant explains him about the possible study programmes at the college. The school leaver is helped to make his choice and he goes to fill in the application form. Some statistics on the applicants and students’ numbers is provided at the end of the video.

Cultural notes: At the beginning of July Lithuanian school leavers hurry to choose their future Alma Mater and study programme.

Language notes: The language of the dialogue is a little bit more complicated. It includes both everyday phrases and some ‘educational’ expressions. It includes the use of both general and special questions, Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Present Perfect tenses and subjunctive mood.

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International Day Of Tourism

Content / topic: Tourism
: 8:09
Level (listening level required):

Summary: Two students arrive to College and see something unusual happening at College. It turns out that the students of Business Management Faculty are celebrating International day of Tourism.

Cultural notes: A lot of traditional events take place at Kaunas College every year. The traditions are very deep and continue year by year. The students of different Faculties organize and celebrate their Speciality days. Every year the students of Tourism celebrate International day of Tourism. Everybody is invited to participate and watch the show. Therefore, this film reveals how the Lithuanian students celebrate one of their Speciality days.

Language notes
: Questions and answers, basic vocabulary related to the theme of the film. The language is quite simple, though includes some specific tourism terms.

: CopyLeft

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I've Bought a Computer

Content / topic: Media
: 4:53
Level (listening level required):

Summary: A student buys a computer but he does not know how to connect it. He phones a friend and asks for help. The friend is eager to help, but his attempt also ends in failure. One more friend is invited to help. He shows and explains the two friends how to connect the computer.

Cultural notes: The Lithuanians tend to use not only a lot of slang, but barbarisms as well in their language. This is especially popular among students. Computer terms have brought a lot of barbarisms and slang into the Lithuanian language. The problem has two aspects: on the one hand, the Lithuanians find some of the Lithuanian equivalents suggested by the linguists funny and cumbersome and prefer to use barbarisms; on the other hand, students try to show off by using barbarisms and slang in their language.

Language notes: Questions and answers, basic vocabulary related to the theme of the film.
The language includes some slang and a number of barbarisms, which are borrowed from the English language. Such words are put into quotation marks in the dialogues, as their usage is incorrect. For example, instead of saying ‘kompiuteris’, the people tend to shorten the word and say ‘kompas’. They use barbarisms, such as ‘keibordas’ (= klaviatūra) or ‘mausas’ (= pelė), which are simply English words ‘keyboard’ and ‘mouse’ with a Lithuanian ending. This tendency is especially strong among computer programmers and students who study computer science. It is hard to provide the translation of such words into English, as the English word or a shortened English word with a Lithuanian ending is used. The linguists try to fight the problem by creating and suggesting the Lithuanian equivalents but quite a lot of them sound inappropriate and funny to the speakers and do not find the way to the usage in everyday language.

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At the Airport / Oro Uoste

Content/ Topic: Tourism/ everyday life situations

Duration: 1:38

Level: listening level required: A2

Summary: A foreigner, whose plane has just landed in the airport of Kaunas, the second largest city of Lithuania, addresses the employee of the Tourist Information centre, as he needs to find a hotel for his stay in Lithuania. He is kindly provided all the necessary information.

Cultural notes: Airports are very small in Lithuania. One might never get lost there.

Language notes: The language, used in the dialogue, corresponds to the A2 level. The language includes questions and answers that are used when requesting and providing service.

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At the Family Doctor’s / Šeimos klinikoje

Content/ topic: Healthcare

Duration: 1:06

Level: (listening level required) A2

Summary: A dialogue between a doctor and a patient takes place at the family doctor’s office. They discuss the patient’s health problems, the symptoms, and the possible ways of overcoming these problems.

Cultural notes: When we are ill, we usually hurry up to see our family doctor.

Language notes: Questions and answers, basic vocabulary related to the theme of the film. Present, past and future tenses are used. There are a few sentences containing imperative mood.

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At the Restaurant/ Restorane

Content/ topic: Catering/ Lithuanian cuisine

Duration: 3:43

Level: (listening level required) B1

Summary: Sophy, a foreign student, meets with Marius, a student from Kaunas, in the downtown. They decide to have dinner together. Marius invites Sophy to try some traditional Lithuanian dishes, introduces her to the Lithuanian cuisine.

Cultural notes: Each country’s national cuisine is interesting and unique. Lithuanians like to eat good, tasty, and filling foods. Lithuanian traditional cuisine took shape over many centuries and was much influenced by cultural contacts with neighbouring nations. The Lithuanian cuisine distinguishes itself by a wide choice of potato dishes. One of the most famous Lithuanian dishes is ‘didžkukuliai’ or as the Lithuanians call it ‘cepelinai’. ‘Šaltibarščiai’ is another traditional Lithuanian dish. It is a cold beetroot soup served with green onions, sour cream and boiled potatoes. This soup is especially popular in the summertime when it is hot for it helps to refresh oneself. ‘Gira’ (kvass) is a cold drink, usually made from bread. It is also very popular in summertime.

Language notes: Basic vocabulary related to the theme of the film. The language includes questions and answers that are used when requesting and providing service.

Some language used by the students and the waitress is incorrect and would be corrected by linguists, for example ‘o tada eis didžkukuliai pagal eiliškumą’, ‘kolkas’, however, this is the language that the young people usually speak.

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Health / Sveikata

Content/ topic: Healthcare

Duration: 0:59

Level: (listening level required) B1

Summary: The action takes place at the chemist’s. Two friends, Andrius and Žilvinas, meet at the chemist’s. They discuss their health problems and measures they take to get better.

Cultural notes: When autumn comes and the weather becomes chilly and wet, different types of disease start attacking people. Students are the ones that are the most vulnerable, for they study a lot, don’t get proper meals on time, don’t rest very well, and usually don’t take care of their health. So they are easily exposed to different types of disease. On the other hand, some students simulate illness and hurry to the doctors, as they usually need some excuse for non-attendance of lectures or failure in the exams.

Language notes: Questions and answers, basic vocabulary related to the theme of the film. The use of tenses is limited to present and past tenses (affirmative and interrogative).

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In the Health Centre/ Sveikatingumo Centre

Content/ topic: Healthcare

Duration: 1: 07

Level: (listening level required): A2

Summary: A student decides to go in for sports and goes to the nearest Health Centre. The action takes place at the Health Centre and depicts the usual scene between a customer and a receptionist.
Cultural notes: It has become very popular and trendy among the young people to go in for sports at Health Centres/ Clubs.

Language notes: The language includes both everyday phrases and phrases used when providing and receiving service. The use of tenses is restricted to Present and Future tenses. There are a few cases when a subjunctive mood is used.

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In the library / Bibliotekoje

Content / topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 2.02

Level: (listening level required): A2

Summary: A student comes to the public library. She has never been to this library before, therefore, if she wants to become a reader of this library, she has to get LIBIS reader’s card. The librarian explains the procedure of becoming the library’s reader. The student fills in all the necessary forms and now she may use the services of this library.

Cultural notes: Library is an inseparable part of each student’s life. Students spend long hours studying for their exams, preparing for seminars, writing their course papers in libraries. Public libraries are popular among the Lithuanian students.

Language notes: Everyday language (questions and answers) that is used requesting and providing service.

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Kaunas – my town/ Mano miestas Kaunas

Content/ topic: Catering and Tourism/ Traveling around Lithuania

Duration: 7:15

Level: (listening level required) B1

Summary: A girl receives a friend from the other town who has never been to Kaunas before. They go sightseeing round Kaunas. They visit a few most famous places in Kaunas.

Cultural notes: Kaunas is the second biggest town in Lithuania with the population of 415,700 and the area of The history of Kaunas dates back to the 11-12th centuries. Kaunas owes its existence to its favourable geographic position. The town is situated in the centre of Lithuania, at the confluence of the two biggest rivers the Nemunas and the Neris, 100 km from the capital Vilnius and 250km from the port town Klaipėda. According to the majority of Lithuanians, Kaunas is the most Lithuanian city of all.

Language notes: Questions and answers, vocabulary related to the theme of the video. The sentences include Present, Past, and Future tenses affirmative, negative, and interrogative. The language also contains several cases of using Subjunctive mood and Passive Voice.

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Telephone Inquiries/ Informacija 118

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 1:15

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: A girl, at a request of her friend, phones Telephone Inquiries 118, in order to inquire about the buses timetable. She wants to find out when is the next bus from Kaunas to Klaipėda, which is the seaport town in the Western part of Lithuania. A conversation regarding timetables takes place between a Telephone Inquiries operator and the girl.

Cultural notes:
All the necessary information, from telephone numbers to bus and railway stations’ timetables, can be obtained by making a call to Telephone Inquiries 118.

Language notes: Sentences containing basic structures and vocabulary related to the theme of the video. Present and Future tenses (affirmative, negative, and interrogative) are used in the dialogue. The dialogue also contains a few instances of subjunctive mood.

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Time / laikas

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 1:11

Level: (listening level required) A2

Summary: One autumn morning, when the summertime has been changed into the wintertime, three students meet in the college’s lobby. It turns out that one of them has forgotten to set his watch back.

Cultural notes: A lot of misunderstandings occur in spring and autumn every year when clocks have to be set an hour ahead or back of the standard time, switching from summertime to wintertime and vice versa. Some students still happen to forget to set their clocks properly and sometimes oversleep or come to college too early.

Language notes: The language of the dialogue is quite simple. It includes both affirmative and interrogative sentences. Although present, past, and future tenses are used, the sentence structure remains quite simple.

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The Contest of Bite-Sized Sandwiches / Sumustiniu konkursas

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 9:25

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes: 

Language notes: 
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Grožio Centre/ At a Beauty Centre

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 0:53

Level: (listening level required)

Summary: A girl comes to one of the solariums that are situated in the city centre. She wants to spend a few minutes in the solarium and to renew her suntan. A conversation with a receptionist takes place

Cultural notes:  Solariums are very popular in Lithuania, especially among young people. Nowadays it is so fashionable to look suntanned. Even in a deep winter time, when it is hardly ever possible to see the sun in the sky, you may meet a lot of people, especially young ladies, but men as well, who have a very nice suntan. Of course, not a natural one…

Language notes:  The language used in the dialogue corresponds to the A2 level. The language includes questions and answers that are used when requesting and providing service

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Darbo paieska / Searching For a Job

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 9:24

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Kalediniu kepeniu gamuba / Producing Christmas Baked Goods

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 3:37

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Pasirink kauno kolegija / Choose Kaunas College

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 1:28

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Policijos nuovadoje / At the Police Station

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 1:55

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Video filmo nuoma / Video Rent

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 1:29

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Interviu. / An Interview With Multimedia Students

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 4:56

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Kalėdinių vaišių pristatymas/ Presentation of Christmas dishes

Content/ topic: Everyday life situations

Duration: 9:24

Level: (listening level required)


Cultural notes:  

Language notes:
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Last edit: 24-10-2023


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.