Home of COOL and past Pools projects

language teaching tools, materials,  methods, and teacher courses

Our GDPR (the General Data Protection Regulation) policy: Danish, English, Irish, Italian, Spanish

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COOL - CLIL Open Online Learning is a social media friendly project, we'll continue developing the tools for many years to come. You are warmly invited to make suggestions and give feedback: Share

Learn about the project Go to the tools Exemplary units in six languages
Book about CLIL and how to use the COOL tools Go to the online course Read the COOL news

The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein..

About the COOL project

The project has developed a web3 service where a teacher can paste in text, select the language of the text, add graphics and video, create or attach language exercises/assignments and then automatically create an online webpage with all words linked to free dictionaries in +100 languages. The proposed web3 resource enhances/improves the Clilstore tool/service (www.multidict.net)  developed in the TOOLS project (2012-2014) https://languages.dk/tools/index.htm,  which has been selected as “one of the European Commission’s success stories”.

The project targeted two user groups; teachers and learners representing transversal educational sectors with a main focus on teacher education (both in-service and college training).

The teachers access to Clilstore has been simplified so the original database look has been replaced with easier/intuitive choices. The students access has likewise been simplified, e.g. the first step for a newcomer is to select language and level thus avoiding having to browse through thousands of units in many languages.

Both teachers and learners have options like sharing and posting Clilstore units to social media (Eg twitter and Facebook) and Clilstore units can be run from within Moodle platforms.

To ensure future sustainability of Clilstore the service is now cloud based and installed/mirrored from GitHub.

After the project co-funded period the partners prepared a final brochure with the results:

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A free CLIL Course


Core: 4 Weeks (Modules 1-7, including Assessment and Certification)

Optional: 2 Weeks (Modules 8-10)

The COOL CLIL course serves as a general introduction to Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) while also delivering training in how to create digital materials to support learners and plan lessons using CLIL methodology. Modules 1-6 are core learning modules which cover CLIL theory, lessson planning and technical training in how to use the Open Educational Resource - Clilstore.eu which caters directly to both learners and teachers. Module 7 is a summative assessment module which if successfully completed leads to the award of a Certificate. Modules 8-9 will allow course participants to learn about a series of EU funded projects that have helped to advance the dissemination and uptake of the CLIL methodology within Europe and beyond and also find out how they can participate in a growing community of practice centred around these projects and Clilstore.eu. Finally, Module 10 provides access to case-studies and academic discussions on CLIL to enable participants to explore the theory and its application in more depth and deepen their knowledge of the field. This may help participants plan for the adoption of CLIL at a wider curricular or institutional level or design projects to research and assess the efficacy of CLIL.

Estimated work load three hours per week

Register and participate in the course in the following languages:

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CLIL Guidebook

The Clilstore Practitioner Guidebook comprises an introductory guide to using clilstore.eu in Content  and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts and provides technical guidance for CLIL practitioners at all educational levels. It has been funded with support from the European Commission’s Erasmus+ programme through the Spanish National Agency as an output of the CLIL Open Online Learning  (COOL) project, carried out from September 2018 to December 2021, coordinated by Universitat Politècnica de València, Spain (reference number KA2-2018-1-ES01-KA203-050474).

We are greatly indebted to all the colleagues who have participated in the project and contributed to the  success of the COOL project and its main outcome, the clilstore.eu CLIL authoring tool, materials reposi- tory, and multilingual dictionary interface.  The Guidebook is available in English, Danish, Irish, Italian, and Spanish all versions in .pdf format and as .ePub

Download the Clilstore Guide as .pdf in:

Download the Clilstore Guide as .epub in:

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Test the tools


We intend to continue improving the Clilstore outcomes for many years to come. Please help us to further improve the Clilstore authoring tool and respository of teaching materials by answering some question in a Google Form, indicating your level of agreement using the scale: 5 Excellent 4 Very good 3 Good / Acceptable 2 Weak 1 Poor

Clilstore has the address: https://clilstore.eu

Clilstore entry page

A brief video demonstrating Clilstore authoring

Clilstore users can click "Help" and go to content relevant help pages in the five project languages. Alternatively you can click through the help pages from the links below:

A sample help page in Danish

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Exemplary Clilstore Units

The teams have curated and developed exemplary units that demonstrate what can be authored with the new Clilstore.

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Click to read the latest project newsletter

List with all the project newsletters here

January 2023

Succesful move of 31,049 files to new hosting system

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December 2022

Dr Caoimhín Ó Dónaill is going to Leipzig in the second week of January to present the COOL project results and to deliver a workshop to the Irish language staff and students there.

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November 2022

The teams have compiled a newsletter with some of the activities since the EC co-funded period ended in December 2021. Click to read the latest project newsletter

The COOL project results are still growing and being used by learners and teachers across the world. The outcomes have been labelled "Good practice":

One of the core outcomes https://clilstore.eu in October 2022 had a total of 5,209 ready to use units.

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October 2022

During September Clilstore grew with 182 English units dealing with teambuilding and team work. The author's, Alessandra Frassetto, units have been viewed 4,290 times, this is very impressive:-)

Another busy Clilstore contributor, CLARA AGOSTINI CAMPISTA, created 171 units dealing with psychology that have been opened 1,464 times, it's a true treasure of learning materials:-)

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September 2022

Learn about BIM (Building Information Modelling) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technologies in a new Clilstore unit: clilstore.eu/cs/10884

Many educational institutions have now finished the summer vacation which is really visible in https://clilstore.eu/clilstore/ . In August the number of Clilstore units grew with 150 units, the current number of ready to use units is: 4,986

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August 2022

A mail from Caoimhín, the clilstore programmer: "First of all, a big thank-you to Sandra and Valerie at ETI Malti who notified me of a serious problem which I have since managed to put right. They had some students from Czechia on a course last week and noticed that if you changed the language in Wordlink to Czech, everything in the browser tab immediately froze and became non-functional. The culprit causing the trouble turned out to be the Seznam dictionary, which translates between Czech and various other languages, so I have removed this dictionary from Multidict.

While I was looking into this, I was reminded of something else which I always meant to try and put right. In the dropdown lists of languages in Clilstore, Wordlink and Multidict, Czech (Čeština). because it had an accent on the first letter, was being sorted right to the end of the alphabet, past Z, sandwiched between the Latin script languages and Greek and Cyrillic script languages where you would never expect to find it. Same with Icelandic (Íslenska). The sort algorithm which I was using for the language dropdowns was the best which I was able to find at the time, but I have now managed to do better, by using the Unicode Collation Algorthim in the database itself. So now Čeština appears among the ‘C’s as it should do, and Íslenska appears among the ‘I’s. I have also managed to add script dividers to the dropdown language lists to separate the Latin script languages from the Cyrillic script languages and so on. I think this makes the list quite a bit clearer. The end of the long A-Z list of Latin script languages can be seen more clearly now. And it will be easier for Gordon to find Hindi and other Indian languages under the Devanagari script, and to find Japanese in the Han-scripts block at the bottom.

Le deagh dhùrachd, Caoimhín (Skye)"

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The COOL project has been graded "Very good" with a score of 87:-) The teams are very happy with the evaluation from the Spanish National Agency, and most of all that all the outcomes are being used by students and their teachers across the world:-)

All the COOL team members are now on vacation and looking forward to continue the work with improving language teaching and teaching tools.

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June 2022

Caoimhín Ó Dónaill getting ready to present a poster on Clilstore.eu at the Celtic Language Technology Workshop, part of LREC Conference in Le Palais du Pharo, Marseille. http://techiaith.bangor.ac.uk/celticlt/cltw/?lang=en
Read more about it: http://www.lrec-conf.org/proceedings/lrec2022/workshops/CLTW4/pdf/2022.cltw4-1.4.pdf


The COOL project, which finished the EC Co-funded period in December 2021 is still going strong with presentations planned at the Eurocall 2022 conference in August. and in May the principal of the eleven Lambert schools on the high mountains at the West of Italy invited Albalisa Azzerti, the Italian COOL coordinator, to share COOL experiences with the schools involved in saving the minority languages Occitan and "Francoprovenzale". Albalisa suggested them to publish Clilstore.eu units in the languages spoken by the children and population.

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May 2022

For anyone who is interested in etymology and making use of cognate words for helping learn vocabularly, Caoimhín O Donnaile will be giving a talk at 11:00 UTC (i.e. 11:00 CET, 10:00 UK) on Saturday morning to the Polyglot Gathering Online, giving a practical demonstration of his Bunadas database. The talk/demo will last 30 minutes, with 15 minutes for questions. The whole Polyglot Gathering looks amazing, with hundreds of talks and language practice sessions in parallel, running almost non-stop from tomorrow evening until mid-day on Monday. And the whole event is free. You just come and go to events and sessions as you please: https://www.polyglotgathering.com/2022/en/online/program/

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April 2022

The Clilstore Practitioner Guidebook is now stored in the UPV institutional server: https://hdl.handle.net/10251/181708 You can change the language to English in the top line, see above.

Clilstore.eu now has a total of 4,735 units. In March 32 new units have become available in the following languages: English, Medžuslovjansky, Dansk, Čeština, Polski, and Italiano

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March 2022

Caoimhín O Donnaile (From SMO) has added the “Interslavic Dictionary”, https://interslavic-dictionary.com/ to Clilstore (at the request of, and with the help of, a Gaelic-speaking Pole, Benedykt Jaworski, who is now busy publicising it). “Interslavic” (medžuslovjansky / меджусловјанскы) is a constructed language, designed to be a simplified lingua-franca, which can be understood by a speaker of any of the Slavic languages. He has also created a Clilstore unit to test things, https://clilstore.eu/cs/10311, and the dictionary seems to work well with it. Please test the unit if you know one or more of the Slavic languages.

The COOL project results are being used across Europe and beyond. In this month we can recommend you to learn about which sport to choose: https://clilstore.eu/cs/10300 and units about St Patrick's day: https://clilstore.eu/cs/10309 Both units make use of the newly added web3 facilities in https://clilstore.eu

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February 2022

After the COOL project co-funded period the partners prepared a final brochure with the results:

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January 2022

The Clilstore.eu platform is now available in more languages than we had planned for, this is due to end users updating our translation database. Clilstore.eu is fully translated into nine languages: br, da, en, es, fr, ga, gd, it, and sh. Translations into Portuguese and Bulgarian is ongoing.

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December 2021

The teams finalised the CLIL Guidebook in five languages

On Friday December 3rd you can meet the COOL project teams at the final conference in Valencia. The conference will be in English and Spanish.

From the multiplier conference in Valencia: Ana Gimeno, Gisella Lange, and Letizia Cinganotto.

The project teams met in Valencia on November 30th and December 2nd to check on all project deliveries, the teams also met with the external evaluator to reflect on the QM report.

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November 2021

Last chance to meet the COOL project is at the final conference in Valencia on December 3rd 2021. The conference will be in English and Spanish

Participation is free:-) All you need to do is to register here.

The COOL project can now offer CLIL courses in our MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) demonstrating how to deploy CLIL using the https://Clilstore.eu tools.

The MOOC courses are in Danish, English, Irish, Italian, and Spanish. You can now register here: https://www.upvx.es/courses/course-v1:Filologiainglesa+clilstore+2021-01/about

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October 2021

Finally:-) All the COOL teams met in Dublin for a meeting which had been postponed since the spring of 2020

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September 2021

Please help us improve the Clilstore authoring tool and respository of teaching materials by answering some question in a Google Form, indicating your level of agreement using the scale: 5 Excellent 4 Very good 3 Good / Acceptable 2 Weak 1 Poor

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August 2021

We have mailed the August newsletter to 894 registered users. You may register to receive the newsletters here. You can also just read the newsletter here.

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July 2021

Watch our Clilstore taster


The project teams are preparing the final edit on the COOL CLIL Guidebook

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June 2021

When you or your students visit the clilstore.eu as students you may notice that the vocabulary part of the units has been updated with vocabulary training.

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April 2021

The Scottish team has finalised editing 20 units in Scottish Gaelic:

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March 2021

Read the latest COOL Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/f999ac57884e/read-about-the-outputs-from-the-cool-project The Newsletter was posted to 880 registered users:-) You too can subscribe to the Newsletter

Watch a three minutes video showing Clilstore authoring:


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February 2021

The project main result https://clilstore.eu is being further developed, if you use Clilstore in Danish, English, Irish, Italian, or Spanish then try to click "Help" from within Clilstore, this will take you to help pages with 52 videos informing you what you can do on the the page.

The English help page dealing with how to create a new unit: (https://languages.dk/help/en/create_unit.html)

We have updated the Italian exemplary units in:

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January 2021

We need your help to evaluate the new Clilstore. For teachers, please complete Survey A and share the link to Survey B with your students:

A: For teachers: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CLILSTORETEACHERSURVEY2021
B: For students: https://ec.europa.eu/eusurvey/runner/CLILSTORESTUDENTSURVEY2021

NB. If you have experience of using CLILSTORE both as a teacher and a student we would welcome your responses to both surveys.

The teams are implementing the Clilstore help system, you can have a walkthrough of the help visoes here: https://languages.dk/help/en/page2.html Within the next month all the help pages will be available in Danish, English, Irish, Italian, and Spanish. When using Clilstore there will be help buttons that will take you to the matching pages in the language you are using in Clilstore (the five languages) Clilstore itself has interfaces in many more languages.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Last edit: January 9, 2025