Producing Open Online Learning Systems 3

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Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

SMO, as Scotland’s Gaelic college, has a specific role in relation to that language. This includes teaching of and through Gaelic at both FE and HE levels, and delivery of vocational units in local schools. The college is a partner in the University of the Highlands and Islands, a federal network of other FE and HE bodies spread around the region. Partnership working is therefore key to the college’s modus operandi.

SMO was the promoter of the POOLS project. At local level this entailed collaboration with training providers involved in both Gaelic and ESOL provision. This work won a 2007 European Language Label for the bilingual “Island Voices” online video package, produced as part of POOLS, and nomination for a 2012 British Council ELTon for Local Innovation. POOLS also won the 2009 European Silver Award for Innovation and Creativity in Lifelong Learning. The college has specific competence in online materials development and computer‐assisted language learning.

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Role and main tasks in the project

SMO will take the role of Project Co-ordinator, based on their project management experience of the original POOLS project(2005-07). Their successful development of the award-winning Island Voices series of community-based online language-capture clips out of the POOLS project also means they have much to contribute on digital materials development, dissemination, and sustainability.

SMO will lead the Work Packages on project management (WP1), quality management (WP2), and the creation of audio/video source materials (WP8).

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Contact persons

Gordon Wells, project coordinator:

Archie Maclean, head of department:


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SDE College (Syddansk Erhvervsskole Odense-Vejle)

SDE is the largest VET college in Denmark. The college has 5,000 FTE students and the number of staff is about 830. The college consists of a vocational school and a senior high school. The vocational school covers nine branches (production, ICT, transport, logistics, construction, media, health, service and service industry).

The students of the VET‐school have a diverse cultural and educational background due to an allocation of different nationalities, ethnic minorities, different cultures, in the area.

SDE has done a lot in order to integrate students with different backgrounds into vocational education e.g. mentor arrangements, flexible training models, cooperation with other schools, parents, enterprises and social partners. Further, the college has carried out comprehensive competence development of teachers and managers.

SDE has participated in a large number of national and international projects as partner and in many cases as coordinator.

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Role and main tasks in the project

SDE will assist in the export of innovation to the new language partners. SDE has particular expertise and experience in CALL development and training in a VET context. It also has a long track record in the successful delivery of European partnership projects, which will provide useful backing to SMO's project management role.

SDE will lead the Work Packages in exploitation and impact (WP4), DIY instructional DVDs/videos (WP10), and the final editing of the course guide, course book, and sample eLearning units (WP11).

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Contact persons

Kent Andersen:

Tel. +4563126605


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Jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky PELIKÁN, s.r.o.

The PELIKAN language school, with the rights to hold state language exams, has been active in the city of Brno for ten years. It has had a direct impact on the quality of language education not only in Brno, but also in the Czech Republic as a whole.

Apart from language teaching and exams, the PELIKAN language school specializes in the creation of methodologies for selected target groups, and in research on language education through European partnerships.

The PELIKAN school provides teacher training for a wide range of educational institutions such as secondary and vocational schools as well as universities, promoting the Pelikan Active Learning System. It also organises workshops during the piloting phase of EU projects to keep teachers up-to-date with the latest developments in methodology and teaching practices.

LS PELIKAN teaches 500 - 650 students a year and specializes in using motivational language teaching within the CEFR, by using games, web2.0 tools, video, and audio.

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Role and main tasks in the project

The Pelikan School is an innovative private sector language school with an impressive record of participation in European projects. As one of the new language participants it will have the responsibility for importing POOLS innovations and applying them to the Czech language context.

It will therefore be in charge of Czech language materials development, Czech language VET training delivery, and producing the Czech language course book and guide and associated sample CALL units.

It will also take the lead role in the Work Packages for the communication platform (WP3), and course book adaptation (WP7).

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Contact persons

Dagmar Ráček Pelikánová:


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Stucom is a private organisation founded 32 years ago. It offers secondary education, vocational training and courses for the unemployed. It is a UNESCO school and takes part in campaigns to help those living in poor conditions near the school, immigrants, and people who suffer social exclusion because of drugs. Stucom is certified to hold Cambridge Exams and every year its students take them successfully. Stucom VET students do part of their training in foreign companies in UK, Germany, Sweden, Finland and Turkey. Students from these countries spend some weeks in Barcelona and Stucom too. Stucom is involved in Vetpro projects and every year teachers from different countries do some training in our organization. It has also invested a lot in new technologies, and our students pass CISCO exams successfully. Stucom offers on-line training to those students who can’t attend classes because of any disability, illness or problem. Stucom also has ISO 9001 2000.

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Role and main tasks in the project

Stucom is a private sector VET institution with excellent international connections and outlook and substantial experience of European project work over a long number of years.

As one of the new language participants it will have the responsibility for importing POOLS innovations and applying them to the Catalan language context. It will therefore be in charge of Catalan language materials development, Catalan language VET training delivery, and producing the Catalan language course book and guide and associated sample CALL units.

It will also take the lead role in the Work Package for the course guide adaptation (WP6).

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Contact persons

Rosario Cuart:


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University of Ulster

The School of Irish Language and Literature at Ulster provides language training at diploma & degree level. Irish is the most widely taught language at Ulster and members of the School hold joint membership in the Research Institute for Irish and Celtic Studies which has an international reputation for producing high quality research, shown by its performance in the 2001 and 2008 Research Assesment Exercises. From 2005-2010 Irish was a joint partner with French at Ulster in the Centre for Excellence in Multimedia Language Learning (CEMLL) project which was established as part of the UK wide CETL initiative. CEMLL’s focus was to research the effectiveness of teaching in a multimedia environment, including materials development, and to collaborate with colleagues within Ulster and other HE Institutions to investigate and share good practice. The School of Irish is actively involved in outreach activities in primary and secondary schools and with independent cultural organisations.

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Role and main tasks in the project

Ulster’s role in the proposed project will be to import the innovation developed in POOLS with a view to effecting change in the culture and practice of language teachers, so that (i) CALL can become a normal part of classroom practice and independent study; and (ii) a network of practitioners can be established whereby materials and expertise are shared freely and whereby adoption of technology enhanced pedagogy is facilitated and supported.

As one of the new language participants it will have the responsibility for importing POOLS innovations and applying them to the Irish language context. It will therefore be in charge of Irish language materials development, Irish language VET training delivery, and producing the Irish language course book and guide and associated sample CALL units.

It will also take the lead role in the Work Package for piloting in-service training (WP9).

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Contact persons

Caoimhín Ó Dónaill:


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European Forum of Vocational Education and Training

EfVET is a unique Europe-wide professional association which has been created by and for providers of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) in all European countries. Its mission is to champion and enrich technical and vocational education and training through transnational co-operation by building a pan-European network of institutions and practitioners. EfVET aims to:

- promote quality and innovation in Technical and Vocational Education and Training throughout Europe;
- develop collaboration, mutual co-operation and sharing of good practice;
- give VET institutes a platform of influence in EU policy.

EfVET has over 200 members in almost all the EU member states; also members in Turkey and Russia. It is able to reach out to over 1500 VET institutions across Europe. This European network also has direct links to other European organisations including EUCIS,EVTA, EAEA, Solidar, CSR, Workers Education Association (Europe) and the Youth Forum.

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Role and main tasks in the project

EfVET’s role in this project will be as leader of work package 5 “Dissemination”, in order to raise awareness of the project and its final products and results. EfVET will lead this work package and use its communication channels, including website – - bi-monthly newsletters, and annual conferences, to bring the project to the attention of its Europe-wide VET constituency.

Progress reports and development activity, including the promotional material, will be distributed across the EfVET network of 1500 VET institutions throughout Europe. The website receives some 60,000 hits per year from members and stakeholders

EfVET will host and take part in the kick-off workshop. EfVET will not participate with personnel in the other project workshops, but will have an online presence using e-mails and skype.

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Contact persons

Valentina Chanina:

Peter Hodgson:


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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Ongoing statistics

Last edit: December 4, 2013