Craigard Day Centre


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Craigard Day Centre

This is the Craigard Day Centre in Lochmaddy, North Uist. It is run by the Social Services Department of Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, the Western Isles Council. As well as a workshop, there is a kitchen and a sitting room where you can have a cup of tea and a chat.

A number of people come here to take part in different activities. Donald Mackinnon attends two days every week. Jamie MacCush does the same. Among other things, they can make furniture, for example stools. They sell these locally.

Staff in the centre encourage them in all sorts of ways – for example to create their own works of art. Marnie Keltie is the day care supervisor. The work may look simple. But sometimes, from the beginning to the end, you have to take a number of different steps. And when it is complete, you can be proud of the work you’ve done.

One day every week everyone goes to Taigh Chearsabhagh, the local museum and art centre, for lunch and to look round any exhibitions. At the moment, some of Donald’s and Jamie’s own pictures are on display in the café. And some have been sold already. It’s also a nice opportunity to get out, see what’s going on locally, and have lunch.

In one gallery, woollen hats and jumpers and other clothes are on display. In the museum Flora Macdonald is demonstrating traditional spinning and weaving techniques. Donald gets a chance to try for himself.

Donald is keen on music, as well as art. The day often finishes with him playing a tune or two on the accordion when they get back to Craigard.