Marketing Study Main Page


The materials used in the Marketing files are based on exercises and materials developed as part of an old Interreg project "Interregional modulopbygget videreuddannelse for Export- og Umweltschutz Techniker Ref.: 1-53-24-94-96 (Interreg 1997-1999) Project co-ordinator Odense Tekniske Skole".

In 2023 the materials have been adapted by Kent Andersen for use in CLIL based courses (Content and Language Integrated Learning)

Main menu and navigation

The role of Marketing. Understanding the role of marketing in organisations and global markets

The Marketing Decision Process. The marketing decision process - marketing auditing

Case Studies. Four cases with exercises

Glossary of terms. Collection of all words taught through the Marketing Study.

Learn about the language interface. Help page with clickable areas

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Case Studies

The course has four cases, three of the cases include questions and answers

GNB New Zealand GNB New Zealand (With exercises)

GASA Odense Blomster ODENSE-BLOMSTER A.m.b.a.GASA (With exercises)

SYNOCO SYNOCO (With video)

FITCH FITCH (With video and exercises)


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Interreg Interregional modulopbygget videreuddannelse for Export- og Umweltschutz Techniker Ref.: 1-53-24-94-96 (Interreg 1997-1999) Project co-ordinator Odense Tekniske Skole.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
