
University of Pitesti

Content/topic: presentation of a Romanian university

Duration: 2:16

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: The president of the University of Pitesti gives a short presentation of the university.

Cultural notes: Formal Romanian language

Language notes: Language structures and words connected to education and educational facilities and structure.

: CopyLeft


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Turism Argesean partea 1

Content/topic: a tourist documentary presenting monasteries

Duration: 5:24

Level (listening level required): B 2

Summary: This is a through documentary about Arges county’s monasteries. Architecture, icon painting and history related to these Romanian monasteries and former fortresses.

Cultural notes: This documentary gives a realistic view upon Romanian monasteries, art and history.

Language notes: Language structures and words connected to tourism, geographical descriptions, road directions and monument presentation (style and architecture).

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Turism Argesean partea 2

Content/topic: a tourist documentary presenting monasteries

Duration: 7:25

Level (listening level required): B 2

Summary: This is a through documentary about Arges county’s monasteries. Architecture, icon painting and history related to these Romanian monasteries and former fortresses.

Cultural notes: This documentary gives a realistic view upon Romanian monasteries, art and history.

Language notes: Language structures and words connected to tourism, geographical descriptions, road directions and monument presentation (style and architecture).

Copyright: CopyLeft

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Turism Argesean partea 3

Content/topic: a tourist documentary presenting monasteries

Duration: 6:44

Level (listening level required): B 2

Summary: This is a through documentary about Arges county’s monasteries. Architecture, icon painting and history related to these Romanian monasteries and former fortresses.

Cultural notes: This documentary gives a realistic view upon Romanian monasteries, art and history.

Language notes: Language structures and words connected to tourism, geographical descriptions, road directions and monument presentation (style and architecture).

Copyright: CopyLeft

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Turism Argesean partea 4

Content/topic: a tourist documentary presenting monasteries

Duration: 7:26

Level (listening level required): B 2

Summary: This is a through documentary about Arges county’s monasteries. Architecture, icon painting and history related to these Romanian monasteries and former fortresses.

Cultural notes: This documentary gives a realistic view upon Romanian monasteries, art and history.

Language notes: Language structures and words connected to tourism, geographical descriptions, road directions and monument presentation (style and architecture).

Copyright: CopyLeft


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Restaurant simulation 2

Content/topic: a Romanian conversation class – at the restaurant

Duration: 2:59

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: A group of foreign students studying at the University of Pitesti, play the roles of waiter and customers in a restaurant. The teacher helps them with instructions.

Cultural notes: Different accents of Romanian language spoken by foreigners.

Language notes: Language structures and words used when ordering food in a restaurant: fruits, vegetables, different dishes, prepositions, etc.

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Restaurant simulation 1

Content/topic: a Romanian conversation class – at the restaurant

Duration: 2:42

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: A group of foreign students studying at the University of Pitesti, play the roles of waiter and customers in a restaurant.

Cultural notes: Different accents of Romanian language spoken by foreigners.

Language notes: Language structures and words used when ordering food in a restaurant: fruits, vegetables, different dishes, prepositions, etc.

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Florica Villa – History and Culture

Content/topic: documentary about Bratianu dynasty’s manor – Florica Villa in Pitesti

Duration: 2:53

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: Two local personalities talk about the history of the 20th century manor which is now in the property of the Cultural Centre of Arges, and has now become a major tourist’s attraction. It is open to all these who like to taste the history and culture of the Romanian people. There are outstanding images taken inside and outside the villa – a proof of extraordinary architecture beautiful style furniture.

Cultural notes: The Bratianu dynasty played a major part in the history, economical and cultural life of the Romanian people: promulgation of two constitutional acts, the independence and the consolidation of the Romanian unitary State etc.

Language notes: Simple documentary narrative and description.

: CopyLeft


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Students’ celebration of Europe Day

Content/topic: a foreign students’ performance for 9th May – celebrating Europe Day at the University of Pitesti

Duration: 9:05

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: A group o foreign students studying at the University of Pitesti, gather around and give a performance in Romanian in order to show the diversity and good collaboration between different people from different countries around the world. They tell Romanian poems and sing Romanian songs while wearing traditional costumes from their own countries.

Cultural notes: Different accents of Romanian language spoken by foreigners.

Language notes: Simple Romanian structures.

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Arges prezentare generala

Content/topic: a tourist documentary presenting monasteries and the cities within the Arges county

Duration: 8:23

Level (listening level required): B 2

Summary: This is a through documentary about Arges county’s monasteries and touristic destinations. Architecture, icon painting and history related to these Romanian monasteries and former fortresses.

Cultural notes: This documentary gives a realistic view upon Romanian monasteries, art and history.

Language notes: Language structures and words connected to tourism, geographical descriptions, road directions and monument presentation (style and architecture).

Copyright: CopyLeft

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Ion Bratianu Cultural Centre

Content/topic: documentary about Ion Bratianu Cultural Centre

Duration: 3:52

Level (listening level required): B1

Summary: This is a cultural documentary about the Ion Bratianu Cultural Centre in the county of Arges. It begins with a short interview of a member of the Bratianu family – a XIX century dynasty standing for modesty and Romanian democracy. It is a presentation of the lives of the political, economical and cultural personalities that this family gave to the Romanian people which helps you understand the national and local history as well as the interests of our people. There is also a short presentation of the family manor which has been restored and is now used for different cultural purposes.

Cultural notes: The Bratianu dynasty played a major part in the history, economical and cultural life of the Romanian people: promulgation of two constitutional acts, the independence and the consolidation of the Romanian unitary State etc.

Language notes: Formal Romanian language. Structures used for description of a house or activity.

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Farsa - A Practical Joke - Do not do to others what you don't like to be done to you - "Do unto Others as You Would They Should Do unto You"

A practical joke - two birthday cakes a real one and a polenta in disguise

Duration: 4.36
Level (listening level required): B1

Summary: Fed up with Dan’s flat jokes, while preparing cakes in a pastry-cook’s workshop three students, Maria, Paul and Andrei, decide to crack a practical joke on him. They decide to give him, as a birthday present, a “special” cake made of polenta with chocolate icing. In order not to spoil Dan’s party and teach him a lesson at the same time, they will give him a real cake. Cristina, Dan’s girlfriend, enters, overhears their conversation, tries to stop them first and eventually decides to join the group because she also wants Dan to give up his bad habit of cracking flat jokes on his friends. They decide upon the necessary ingredients for the two cakes and divide their work. Maria and Paul will prepare the polenta cake. Cristina and Andrei will prepare the real chocolate cake. Cristina has the “honour” to write Happy Birthday! on both cakes.

Cultural notes: Recipes of a traditional Romanian dish. Proverbs and sayings connected to the Romanian customs.

Language notes: The dialogue involves native Romanian speakers. Vocabulary includes everyday phrases and catering terminology. Grammar is restricted only to basic structures. Simple Past , Simple Present, Simple Future are used. With text the video is supposed to meet the requirements of the B1 level.

Copyright: CopyLeft

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A Very Traditional Lunch

Duration: 7.40
Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: Because the students' canteen is closed on Sunday, six students from different countries (China, Maroque, Syria, Iraq, Congo) discuss about traditional meals they would like to eat. They do not agree on a certain meal and decide to have a Romanian lunch instead.

Cultural notes: Intercultural exchange of information regarding ways of cooking and traditional meals

Language notes:  Sentences containing names of various ingredients used in cooking. These structures include Present Tense affirmative, negative, interrogative.

: CopyLeft

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"Romanian Challenges"

Very basic questions and answers regarding weather, seasons, accommodation, education, likes and dislikes, etc.

Duration: 13.17
Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Students answer questions about weather, seasons, accommodation, education, likes and dislikes, etc. They are assisted by their language tutor. These students are from Nigeria, Syria, Algeria.

Cultural notes: Intercultural exchange of information regarding Romania and Romanian everyday life: impressions about weather, seasons, accommodation, education, likes and dislikes, seasons and weather. The impact of local conditions upon students and their ways of reacting and adapting to it.

Language notes: Sentences containing familiar words, basic structures and elements connected to the theme of the interview. These structures include Present Tense affirmative, negative, interrogative.

: CopyLeft

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Cablarea unui ştecher

Content / topic: Electrician
: 6:44
Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: Step by step instruction on how to wire a plug. The plug used is a British type with a fuse

Cultural notes
: Instructional video which may be suitable for all vocations

Language notes: Typical instructions. Intermediate

: CopyLeft


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Cablarea unui ştecher (Elementary)

Content / topic: Electrician
: 6:44
Level (listening level required): A1

Summary: Step by step instruction on how to wire a plug. The plug used is a British type with a fuse

Cultural notes
: Instructional video which may be suitable for all vocations

Language notes: Typical instructions. Simplified version.

: CopyLeft


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Baba Dochia

Content/topic: Superstitions derived from an old Romanian legend referring to spring weather

Duration: 3:22

Level (listening level required): A2

Summary: On a cold winter day, our foreign students gather in a classroom and, influenced by the bad weather, discuss upon an old Romanian legend. Baba Dochia was a very old woman who used to wear 9 sheepskin coats at the same time. Once spring came and the sun started to melt the snow, she began to take off her coats one at a time. That is why the weather in spring is so changeable in Romania.

Cultural notes: Impressions about Romanian weather in winter and the impact of local conditions upon foreign students and their ways of reacting and adapting to it. All students come from countries where the temperatures are quite high and it never snows whatsoever. The first day of spring in Romania is related to the image of Baba Dochia. According to the legend, the old woman was wearing 12 or 9 sheepskin coats that she started to take off at the beginning of March, a fact which produced changes in the weather. Sunny days were frequently followed by rain or sleet.

Language notes: Sentences containing familiar words, basic structures and elements connected to weather and clothes. These structures include descriptive adjectives and comparatives.

Copyright: CopyLeft


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The Job Interview

Content/topic: A presentation of a job interview

Duration: 3:00

Level (listening level required): B2

Summary: A Human Resources director is interviewing a candidate for the post of commercial director assistant. The candidate answers to typical questions and gives a presentation of her former career and education.

Cultural notes: Analysing a resume and presenting different steps when taking a job interview for a Romanian company.

Language notes: Sentences containing formal language, basic structures and elements connected to a job interview.

Copyright: CopyLeft


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Journalism Students

Content/topic: Preparing a reporter kit and a news report

Duration: 3:41

Level (listening level required): C1

Summary: Two journalism students, a reporter and a cameraman, pack up their kit and prepare to go to a shooting for the news broadcast. They have to do this in a great hurry and in the end, they forget the most important part of their equipment, the microphone. The editor-in-chief is putting pressure on them to get their report ready before the six o’clock TV news bulletin.

Cultural notes: The language used to describe a few parts of a cameraman’s electronic equipment includes words borrowed from English and used in Romanian on a regular basis.

Language notes: Technical language structures used to describe a cameraman’s electronic equipment and other language items related to journalism.

Copyright: CopyLeft


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The Nurse Training Class

Content/topic: Students in nursing are preparing their practical examination

Duration: 5:09

Level (listening level required): B2

Summary: During a nurse training class, the students – the future nurses – present a situation of real medicine. They prepare their examination: giving an injection. They even perform as nurse and patient in order to have a more realistic example of practising their duty.

Cultural notes: Students in nursing prepare their examinations by practicing medicine on each others; for example, if they are to learn how to give an injection, they are used to practice it on one of their classmates as you can see from the video.

Language notes: Introducing language structures related to medicine and nurse practice; use of the Present Continuous to describe actions taking place at the moment of speaking; presentation of the medical equipment necessary when giving an injection.

Copyright: CopyLeft


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Content/topic: a young couple shops for clothes


Level (listening level required): B1

Summary: A young girl is taking her boyfriend to a fashionable clothes store in order to find something for him to wear at a party tonight. The boy seems to feel at ease when he has to decide upon the clothes he wishes to buy …he is very determined and brief. He doesn’t like to waste valuable time. The girl also tries on a pair of shoes and the shop assistant, who is very professional, by the way, convinces her to choose a matching handbag, too.

Cultural notes:

Language notes: Use of language structures and vocabulary related to shopping; expressing wishes, likes and dislikes.

Copyright: CopyLeft


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Computer service training

Content/topic: computer hardware assembling


Level (listening level required): B1

Summary: Two students are trying to fix a computer in a laboratory. This is their compulsory homework for the computer science laboratory. A professor is checking on them from time o time; the time is short. They start by taking out the computer components and checking them out. A girl comes into a laboratory to ask for a screwdriver. The boys make fun of her and don’t think she will be able to use the tool, but, in the end, she is the one who manages to fix whatever she was fixing with the screwdriver while the boys are still trying to figure out what is wrong with the computer they are supposed to service.

Cultural notes: ---

Language notes: Use of language structures and vocabulary related to computer science: computer components and tools.

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Last edit: 10-06-2011


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.