Clil4U online course

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Welcome to the online part of the course

This course is designed to help Content and Language teachers learn about the CLIL approach to teaching. 

During this course you will be asked to:

  1. Discover an aspect of teaching through CLIL.
  2. Download a Learning Diary where you will be asked to perform certain tasks and keep an electronic record of them - your e-portfolio.
  3. Build up a framework of the components of a CLIL lesson in a Pre-Assignment Planning e-Record (PAPeR).
  4. Reflect upon what you have learnt, to be able to discuss your experiences with other teachers.

Enjoy the experience!

Course authors: Sandra Attard-Montalto, Lindsay Walter and Douglas Matheson (Executive Training Institute - ETI Malta)


Before you begin this course, please download the following documents. It would be useful to save all the downloaded documents in one folder.

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Get started

Your main Course Assignment is to prepare a lesson with the full framework of the components of a CLIL lesson.

To provide you with the needed knowledge and competences for completing the Course Assignment you have ten online modules. Please note that all words in the texts can be clicked on for a quick lookup in dictionaries.

To get the full benefit of the course you should work through all ten modules and complete the diary for each module:

To complete the Clil4U course you should mail your PAPeR to the course instructor for feed-back and advise.

Finally we'll apprecitate if you'll use 5 minutes to fill in the course evaluation form. Go to evaluation here

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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