A fully automatic lawn mower for the homeowner.

Tired of mowing your lawn? Fed-up with your lawn service? Or relying on the neighbor’s team? Robomow is the ultimate in lawn mowing convenience.
Especially designed to mow your lawn completely automatically. Powered by a rechargeable battery, Robomow is extremely quiet and environment friendly.
While Robomow automatically cuts your lawn you can enjoy your free time the way you like most. All Robomow models traverse your lawn in a systematic pattern of zigzag lines, which repeats itself in several different angles.

The text is hyperlinked word by word to dictionaries. The hyperlinking has been done automatically through a program written by Kent Andersen (The Web Page Text Blender).

The text is followed by exercises created with Hot Potatoes.

Text and video are Copyright, © Friendly Robotics, all rights reserved, used with permission from Friendly Robotics

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Last edit: 21-12-2010

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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